Sunday, August 31, 2008

The finger, Hanna, and beer

We promised Royce and Sarah that we'd update the blog, even though we didn't take any photos. So here's the skinny: Bret has a nail fungus....barf. And don't ask where he got it from - only the nail knows. He went to the doc - she lanced it and he screamed like big boys do - in silence, with his inner voice. The tip of his middle finger is still bigger than his thumb...double barf. And we do not have any photos of the nail - - or the fungus.

We've been watching all the fuss on Gustav, but Hanna is the big story if you're in the Lowcountry. If you ask me, she's gonna dogleg it and smack us with a Cat 1. Not a bad showing for a girl named Hanna (funny that it rhymes with Savannah).

The Craft Brewfest was great this weekend. 100 beers, but a tiny little glass....meant for sampling of course, not downing shot after shot of ice cold, bubbly goodness. We'll def. return next year...with our own glass (aka...German beer stein).

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