Monday, June 2, 2008

Our first post - kitchen drama

Well, this is our first blogging experience and our very first post! Hopefully, we'll remember to keep it updated.

Right now, our refrigerator is consuming us. It's a 1958 GE Wall Mount fridge. It died 2 months ago (yes - at age 50). We had another one shipped from Ohio - doesn't work. So, Bret drove down to St. Pete last weekend and picked up a second one. We ripped out the original one, with the help of Scott, Chuck, and Stephen. The new one doesn't quite fit. So, Stephen removed some tile and now we've got to get the boys back to reinstall. Oh the drama. Why so much drama you ask? Well as you can see in the photo - it takes up one side of our kitchen.


Amy J said...

Holy ....I've never seen a fridge like that. I didn't even know the existed!!! I kinda love it!

dianekahn said...

Ok, I totally didn't get your description little kids will ever get into THAT! how cool! (and you have too much time on your hands to have a blog!!!, oh, did I hear yu mention G. Hero???

jcb said...

I am glad our "old" fridge has found an appreciative "new" family. Hope it keeps the ice frozen for many years to come.
Thanks again, I am glad we found a solution that works for both of us.